WEB - WE3 - Advanced - International WAWE Junior/Young Rider
Victor M Richarte
  C Diff
Movements at walk    
1 Enter at a collected canter 7
2 Halt on hindquarters. Immobility. Salute. Exit in medium walk. 6,5
3 Perform a figure 8 formed by two circles with a same diameter of 8 meters in medium walk 6,5
4 Pirouette in walk to one of the hands 6
5 Pirouette in walk on other hand 6,5
6 Extended walk in straight line (min. 20m) 6,5
7 Halt. Immobility. Rein back 6 to 10 steps. Exit in medium walk 7
8 Half pass to one side up to quarter line. Counter change of hand at half-pass. Half-pass to the other side from quarter line to three quarter line. Counter change of hand at half-pass to center line. 6,5
Movements at trot    
9 Transition to collected trot 7
10 Tight circles (max. 10m), travers, one to each hand 6
11 Diagonal at medium trot 5,5
12 Collected trot. Halt. Immobility. Rein back between 6 and 10 steps. Immediate exit at collected canter. 7
Movements at canter    
13 Describe 3 circles to one hand: all the circles must begin and finish at the same point, successively reducing each radius by 3m (ex.: 20m-14m-8m). First circle in extended canter, second circle in medium canter, third circle in collected canter. 6,5
14 Flying changes 7
15 Describe 3 circles to other hand: all the circles must begin and finish at the same point, successively reducing each radius by 3m (ex.: 20m-14m-8m). First circle in extended canter, second circle in medium canter, third circle in collected canter. 7
16 Half turn to one of the hands in the shortest possible number of steps and without affecting mobility of canter 7
17 Flying change 6,5
18 Half turn to the other hand in the shortest possible number of steps and without affecting mobility of canter 7
19 Change of canter on three sides of arena. Extended on the longest side of the arena, collected on the short side, and extended again on the next long side. 7
20 Describe a serpentine with 4 loops, with flying changes at every crossing of the center line. 5
21 Center line. Immediately start extended canter. Halt on hindquarters. Immobility. Salute. 7
22 Paces - Freedom and regularity 6,5
23 Impulsion - Desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back and engagement of the hind quarters. 6,5
24 Submission - Attention and obedience, lightness and ease of the movements, acceptance of contact. 6
25 Rider - Position and seat of the rider
Correct use and effectiveness of the aids.
26 Presentation of horse/rider. Music and sequence. 7
1st error: -5pts
2nd error: -5 pts