Großes Reit- und Springturnier des Ländl. RFV Kirchhellen am 20.-25.und 29.05. sowie 31.05.-01.06.2014
Preis: Herrn Manfred Ziemke,Kirchhellen
Judges |
August Exeler Willi Diericks |
07 Alt Marl 3
Faults | Time |
Team total:
01 ZRFV Gelsenkirchen Scholven
Faults | Time |
Team total:
12 RV Dorsten
Faults | Time |
Team total:
Faults | Time |
03 RV Alt-Marl 1
Faults | Time |
Team total:
04 RFV Alt Marl 2
Faults | Time |
Other, non-placed competitors
Team total:
08 Groá- und Kleinpferde Kirchhellen 1
Faults | Time |
Team total:
10 LRFV Kirchhellen
Faults | Time |
Frank Auer
Ländl. RFV Kirchhellen e. V.
Ländl. RFV Kirchhellen e. V.
Sento des Bergeries
W / SBS / B / 2002 / Mozart des Hayettes / Jokinal de Bornival / FRA45974
W / SBS / B / 2002 / Mozart des Hayettes / Jokinal de Bornival / FRA45974
4.00 | 44.44 |
Team total:
05 Jagdreiter Westfalen
Faults | Time |
Team total:
Faults | Time |
11 RV St. Georg Marl
Faults | Time |
Team total:
Faults | Time |
02 RV Lembeck
Faults | Time |
Team total:
09 FTR Team Berger Hof
Faults | Time |
Team total:
13 Marl L?ntrup
Faults | Time |
Team total:
Faults | Time |
06 RSV "Zur Linde" eV
Faults | Time |
Team total:
Faults | Time |
11 RV St. Georg Marl
Faults | Time |
Team total:
04 RFV Alt Marl 2
Faults | Time |
Team total:
09 FTR Team Berger Hof
Faults | Time |
Team total:
12 RV Dorsten
Faults | Time |
Team total:
06 RSV "Zur Linde" eV
Faults | Time |
Team total:
08 Groá- und Kleinpferde Kirchhellen 1
Faults | Time |
Team total:
10 LRFV Kirchhellen
Faults | Time |
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