Wessenhorst / RA Triebus Fallenberg 2017
Preis und Ehrenpreis der Ernährungsberatung - Daniela Brand,Ennigerloh17 Mannschafts-Springprüfung Kl.A*44 competitors in this competition. Last updated at 16:39 hrs (01.07.2017)
Faults | Time |
RV Albersloh
Faults | Time |
Team total:
0.00 / 137.01
PSV Wessenhorst III
Faults | Time |
Team total:
0.00 / 142.65
PSV Wessenhorst I
Faults | Time |
Team total:
0.00 / 145.74
RV Enniger-Vorhelm
Faults | Time |
Other, non-placed competitors
Team total:
0.00 / 151.06
Tieffliegende Tauben
Faults | Time |
Team total:
0.00 / 157.85
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 140.83
RV St.Hubertus Ascheberg
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 140.88
PSV Wessenhorst IV
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 152.26
RV Lippborg-Unterberg
Faults | Time |
Team total:
8.00 / 160.88
Faults | Time |
Team total:
8.00 / 167.49
PSV Wessenhorst II
Faults | Time |
Team total:
12.00 / 151.43
RFV Dolberg
Faults | Time |
Team total:
0.00 / 51.34
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